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  • Nouvelle formation

  • Cyber Security Specialist avec Brevet Fédéral

Catalogue de Formation 2025
Gravissez les sommets de la cybersécurité avec Academy by E-Secure 

Expand your knowledge
Approved vocational training center

Expand your knowledge of technology in French- and German-speaking Switzerland—Geneva, Lausanne, Basel, Zurich, Lugano, Bern, Neuchâtel and Fribourg—thanks to our face-to-face training courses given by a trainer with many years of experience in the field.

Learn more about technical concepts and best practices, and understand how to install, configure, secure, manage, and troubleshoot your infrastructure and security solutions.

Our training courses are available in several languages.

Product training
Ensure your success

Human error is a major cause of security breaches. We train your staff on the vast majority of products on the market, providing you with what you need to acquire total control and expertise in the chosen solution. This approach allows you to leverage IT solutions across your work environment and your teams as well as reduce costs.

A course is dedicated to you

E-Secure attaches great importance to the local economic fabric and offers training to apprentices in and around Geneva, Switzerland. Since 2009, we have been working with institutions on IT and network security, such as, in particular, the GRI (Groupement Romand de l'Informatique), a group active in following-up on i-CH module training around information security.

Combine business with pleasure

What could be more conducive to learning than a fully-equipped training room where you can see cyber-security experts in action on the other side of the door? Take advantage of these friendly exchanges and this paradigm shift to further your learning.

  • good to know

  • Do you need a custom training solution on a specific subject?

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